Monday, February 26, 2018

"We learn to pray by praying. One can devote countless hours to examining the experiences of others, but nothing penetrates the human heart as does a personal, fervent prayer and its heaven-sent response." -Thomas S. Monson
For nearly 3 weeks my 6 year old had been looking for her lost library book she needed to return to school. She wasn't able to check out a new book until she returned this one but we couldn't find it anywhere! So one afternoon i gathered the kids (all 5, including baby) and knelt in prayer and asked for help in finding the book.  We began our search looking under cushions and lizzy excitedly found an unopened candybar! So we took a little break and cut it up so everyone got a piece...a fun little surprise! We then continued our search and soon after our 7 year old son found the lost book! It was in a place we had checked several times over the past few weeks but must have overlooked it somehow. We all cheered. I then gathered the kids again to say a kneeling prayer of thanks. I felt the sweet love of our Heavenly Father and i hope the children did too. 

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